TAG, You’re It! Local Volunteer Opportunity


Library Helpers In Action: TAG members meet inside the media center Maker Space, September 15th, 2022. Photo Courtesy: Azam Hostetler

By: Azam Hostetler and James Allen, Staff Writers                                         October 14, 2022

    The Milford Public Library is a great place to borrow books, quietly study, draw, read, or write. However, people may be unaware that behind the scenes there exists a volunteer program where high school students keep the library functioning and working. It’s called the Teen Advisory Group (TAG).

    TAG started six years ago as an opportunity for teenagers to volunteer and help the Milford Public Library. Most libraries have some variation of the program to keep operations up and running.

    Maria Korman, senior at Foran and a member of TAG, explains, “Basically we get together and we plan and engage in activities, sometimes for the community. One time we cut out little ribbons for breast cancer support; another time we made Valentine’s Day cards for the elderly.”

    TAG meetings occur twice a month on Thursdays at 6 p.m. and are optional to attend. Each meeting is two hours and counts as community service. During these meetings. TAG members will play games, plan activities, and get to know each other with team building exercises.

    Young Adult Librarian and Social Media Coordinator Danielle Valenzano has been in charge of TAG since 2020.

    Valenzano says, “I’m always taking new members, just come down to the library or fill out an application form at Milfordlibrary.org. It offers at least four hours [of community service] a month but there’s extra opportunities.”

    Aside from the meetings there are additional ways to gain community service hours through TAG, one of which is regular shift volunteering where students come in on their own time and help out around the library.

    Grace Mrsich, junior at Foran and TAG member, comments, “You basically do housekeeping like sorting and shelving books, pull them, as well as assisting in random seasonal decorations. You can coordinate with the librarians to find a time and a weekday that works for you.”

    TAG members also set up a Halloween event every year where they help with crafts and assorted children’s programs.

    Valenzano believes the program has a valuable impact. She says, “It’s a little of everything. These guys help me with programs, departments pulling books for displays, and decorating for holidays. Everyone who attends seems to really enjoy it and really care for the community.”

    For information about TAG, contact. Valenzano at dvalezano@milfordct.gov, or go down to the library and ask.